金曜日, 3月 20, 2009

Where I'm @ → now

I guess I'll give you an update on what's happened to me since Saturday.

Since then I've been pretty damn jovial. I've run in the forest park known as the Bois-de-Boulogne 4 days out of 5, and since they've got all these neat wooden exercise structures all over the place, I've been able to work my upper body too. Speaking of, I know I have no upper body whatsoever. Lifting weights would be a good start; that, however, would require signing up for a gym, and since I have no experience thereof I don't think that would be a good idea.

I climbed (obviously part of the way up) the tower of the Bastille the other day and that was pretty cool, but my upper body strength was all gone by then and it didn't help that I was carrying my bookbag, so I needed this French guy's help to get me up to the first platform. And man that was hard. I had no pull left in the muscles up near my shoulders because I had used it all earlier that day and this week. The guy who pulled me up was young, probably my age, as were all the other kids up there, boys, girls, all high school or college age. Really cool. This climb was possible due to the strike, another one of those general Paris strikes that I don't comprehend at all. Why can't they just write letters to their representatives en masse? Well, I guess they could also lobby like normal people, but I hate lobbyists and don't think they're essential to the government at all, especially not ours, not at the federal level where all that shit's supposed to be irrelevant via Amendments 9 and 10. Whatever.

I am way behind in my work. I am way behind in finding what to do for the summer, too. Great.

You know what's interesting with the title: if you look at it from the mathematician's point of view, you'd see a function that requires everything to start from a set of where I'm at, and then create something in the field of "now." I wonder if I can draw any symbolic meaning from that. I don't really feel like it, but okay. I don't think the function is bijective--- specifically it's not surjective (onto).

Munch on that.

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