日曜日, 3月 22, 2009

I hate Sundays.

Sundays suck. Sunday is the day where nobody talks to me and I talk to no one else, and I'm isolated and all alone, stuck trying to do work or trying to get myself to do work that usually involves reading long sentences like this one except only in French, all day, and all night, up until 4-6 AM, which isn't any good for the 9:30 AM class I always have on Mondays or my sanity or my health; I usually end up going to class wanting to throw up or something.

Nobody is ever on Facebook. Maybe there are some messages left over from the night before, but after that there's nothing. I can't call home until it's rather late because nobody gets up in the morning on Sundays and there's a 5 hour time difference. Before that time I get nothing done.

In Paris, in 枚方, in Medford... there's no difference. It's all the same sad Sunday story.

There's a band called Taking Back Sunday; I think it's the best band name of this generation in music. I don't recall enjoying their songs very much, though.

I'd say this is a very selfish freewrite but I think it speaks for everyone. Sundays suck. Observe the Sabbath day or it will make it observe you.

I was gonna go to the Louvre today but I didn't go to bed early enough to do so and my feet and legs are still sore from not being stretched after frisbee practice, which rocked, Friday night. And that was a legit practice!

I guess I'm not gonna go back to Japan for spring break. But I haven't booked yet for the everyone's-gotta-do-it-travel-Europe vacation. Aaggh, where does the time go? I'm going to need this one so badly... another 3 weeks and I'm gone for 2 weeks and I'm back for 5 weeks and I'm gone. Goodbye, France. Never coming back.

At least I don't think so... Now, Japan, on the other hand... you might see me, look out. Wish they liked foreigners a little more so I could have a refuge in case we have another draft. Don't laugh; bad economies lead to bad wars. So stupid, why did I sign up for the selective service shit?

At least there's paisible Canada.

I hate Sundays.

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