金曜日, 1月 30, 2009

Back to one. Back at one

I realize that here's how my personality partially works: there are lots of things that I pick and that I stick with for a long time, and then suddenly stop using, frequently on account of lost interest or impracticality. Among these are both of my Roots hats (now that I'm in Paris and it's cooooold, I have to wear the ear-covering hats), piano, single-player non-DDR video gaming, DDR (in Paris? impossible, and interest is going doooown), and probably things that I've completely forgotten about. With people, a similar thing can happen. That's the sort of thing I never want to ever happen again with my friends.

Just a note. To go further with where I want to go, I would have to make this private. I'm not going to do that. Sigh, I'm even making myself 外人 to my own blog. I shouldn't do that. But you all live in the same country, that of my blog, and I have to respect you, without knowing completely who you are or may be.

Do you know who you may be?

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