月曜日, 1月 26, 2009

The disbelief I can't believe could've come out of me

I did something very un... well, I won't discuss it here. Let's just say I still can't believe I did it.

I've got tons of "work to clear," as my buddy Galen would say. I really don't know what on earth I'm supposed to do or why or what on earth I'm supposed to gain from it but fine, whatever. Just let me go to my universities and I'll be fine. I have to choose classes, too.

Paris has been relatively kind recently, warm. Well, it's warmed my heart but it sure is cold.

I wonder what's gonna happen one day when Facebook will actually be a networking tool and not a keep-in-touch-with-your-friends tool. Then it'll just be some useless thing and the warmness from it will fade.

The warmness from Facebook has already faded for just about everyone I've talked to who signed up for it two and a half years ago when they went to college; that is, if there was any warmness in the first place. There is for me. I couldn't keep in touch with my Japanese friends as easily otherwise, and I love each and every word I get from them. Email just isn't a good alternative, and Japanese people are probably afraid of the phone. Okay, sorry, that isn't a good thing to say. But the social interaction is a lot harder in Japan because of the society's weird dynamics.

I'm going to bed at bad hours. This has to stop. Going to bed at anywhere from 10:30 to 12:30 and waking up at 7:30 in Japan worked so well, it made my life feel fresh and easy. That needs to come back. Well, it doesn't need to, but life really should be lived like that.

Don't make any mistake, though: having a good sleep schedule isn't all you need to make life better; it's not sufficient on its own. But it can help--a LOT. Wish I had a good one during high school; would've made recovering from all the stress and social worries so much easier. Probably would've gotten me into some of the colleges I didn't get into, too. But I'm glad I'm going to Tufts. Tufts is perfect for where I am in my life and who I am as a person. Some part of me might've died somewhere else.

I went to Le Marais and ate fallafel and split up with the group I was with later. That's basically the events of most of the afternoon. Not much happened, compared to what happened after, which I won't talk about here. But it wasn't only bad although there were certainly elements of that haha, so don't worry, I'm fine.

Now I need to remember to call a dentist in the morning. Need my program's help on that. Okay. Whoo.

And now, after 1:12 AM, to do homework. That's too much like high school. That's why I'm doing sit ups and pushups in the morning now; aside from that they (should) improve my body (when I'm not sure that's the case; they've made my stomach bigger), they wake me up and slap me into shape. Now I need to start running after school. Hopefully I'll have less asinine class hours after I get started in actual French universities.


1 件のコメント:

  1. did you go get xyzx-ed by some older french harlot? i wouldn't believe you did something like that either.

    go get linkedin and feel the arctic chill of pure networking frigidity!!!


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